Monday, August 10, 2009

A field agent is not my calling...

Here's another thing knocked off of my list: playing laser tag. The first game was not a lot of fun what with dozens of 13 year olds trying to reenact the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan. No one signed up for the second game we played, so the six girls played against one another. I started off crouching down trying to be all stealthy like the characters in Alias. Finally I gave up, stood tall and walked around shooting at anything that moved. Apparently, that's a better strategy. Still, if I were in a movie that involved a shootout, I would be that character who died stupidly in the first 3 minutes from being shot in the back.

A good friend of mine subbed the mysore class I was practicing at today, and I was really blown away by her ability to teach. I've taken her led classes before, but she really does shine in teaching Mysore. In my opinion, it takes a lot of skill to be able to teach yoga well. Not only do you have to have a deep understanding of the postures, but you have toknow the mechanics of the human body to be able to adapt different bodies to the same posture. Add to that the ability to verbalize instructions and a firm touch for adjusting, not to mention having God-given charisma and presence.... it is not easy to be a good yoga teacher! Whenever I encounter a truly talented teacher, I am humbled and inspired to work harder. I am grateful that I am first and foremost a student, and that I have a community of teachers who are willing to take the time to grow me as both a yoga practitioner and a yoga teacher!

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