Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Moving to....nowhere?

Part of the motivational email I received from Bally Total Fitness this morning:

Have you ever looked at the difference between the word "try" and "triumph"? If not, now's the time. The difference is a mere "umph"....

It's so ridiculous that it made me laugh out loud at work.

This is indeed the month of change. I talked to my landlord today and since we're transferring apartments, we're supposed to be packed up and living out of boxes by Friday. Unfortunately, she isn't sure when our new apartment will be ready, so I guess I will be in limbo till probably next Tuesday. Although DTE Energy is very accomodating to our "situation," Comcast is less helpful. We may be without Internet for a few weeks.

Yesterday was a nice day. I worked, packed, took a two hour break to walk around Main Street and windowshop. Although I like moving, I really despise the packing part of it.

I have decided to end my month-long courtship with the School of Public Health. 4 weeks ago I decided to apply for the MPH program in Nutrition, 3 weeks ago I turned in my application, last week I got accepted. This week I'm going to reject the program. It wasn't a bad experience. It helped me to think seriously about the field I'm going into as well as why I was studying Psychology rather than Dietetics. Now I'm just looking forward to a quiet two years in Ann Arbor working and hanging out.

After a month of being very antisocial at work, I decided to talk to people again.

Finally, students are moving back to Ann Arbor soon. It's so strange realizing that I'll be heavily involved with the campus ministry in both IV and URC yet I'm so disconnected with the actual student life. Still, I'm finally beginning to feel excitement about it rather than dread.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Red Wine and Hommous

I bought a bottle of red wine yesterday and a wine pump to keep it fresh. It was a good companion to nice conversation with Ian, Rob, and Rob's sister while we munched on veggies, pita, and hommous.

I still don't know what I want to do with my future. I see myself either entering into the School of Public Health, learning more and more about nutrition, finally being licensed to practice clinical nutrition, going into Psychology to complete my expertise on eating disorders, then traipsing off to the corners of the world on a quest for the world to know Jesus. OR, I could concentrate this next year on getting my papers published, presenting my papers at conferences all over the country, and perhaps trying out a new idea of my own (something having to do with a paper on rumination and religious coping), getting a second job, living on my own in an apartment in the middle of downtown Ann Arbor, and finally learning to play the guitar. I guess putting it that way, option 2 does sound more appealing. I'm still praying about it though.

Now that my GRE scores are back, I realize that my future is wide open. I've been looking at schools to go to. I wish New Haven was a nicer place to live because my top choice academically is Yale. Other schools I'm looking at: Stanford, Columbia, Duke, University of Texas in Austin, Cambridge (!!! wouldn't that be fun???), UCLA, Rutgers, Princeton, and more. I think I just need to get out of the Midwest for awhile which means I most likely will not be applying to the program at the University of Michigan.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Classy Gal

I woke up today and decided to drink my Diet Vanilla Pepsi in a wine glass. I don't know why I did it - I suppose I just wanted to feel classy.

The other weekend I worked on my car with Tim while drinking beer and eating pizza. I was told later I was being a classy girl. I don't know about that definition . However, this past weekend I found out that I did indeed like the taste of Syrah.

I went to a wedding this weekend in Fort Wayne. I didn't know a soul besides Rob, but it was fun anyway. The day was full of adventures and stories such as me dropping lipstick all over my dress in the car, the bride fainting in the middle of the ceremony, cell phones going off, babies wailing during the vows, and the reception taking place in an old barn. I definitely will not be modeling my wedding after this one, but I do agree with Rob when he said he enjoyed the wedding with all its imperfections.

I watched "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" yesterday. I enjoyed the movie. I guess there's just something about a person who was handed the short end of the stick in life and who has to fight to stand on his or her own two feet that really makes me envious of their strength. In so many ways I've just been blessed with so much that I feel spoiled. There's something appealing about the lives of those who have to start with nothing - they have to find a a new community, work odd jobs to afford the essentials, and let go of all the frivolous things in life to embrace what really matters. I just feel like there is so much fluff in my life and I wish I can winnow it down to the things that truly matter.