Monday, October 31, 2005

Monday Stupor

I can't quite tell whether or not I'm sick today. Saturday I stayed in bed all day and drank chicken soup. Sunday I was bouncing around feeling great. Today my head is swimming and I have the chills. I'm keeping up with the work at work, though slightly more slowly than usual. It's Halloween and I'm being antisocial and hiding in my cubicle from fairies and goth punks randomly patrolling the halls.

Some of the ladies and I went to Wiard's Apple Orchard and Country Fair yesterday and had much fun. We went on the hayride, visited the petting zoo (did you know that goats have rectangular pupils????), and were chased around the haunted barn. It was much fun and a perfect way to spend an autumn afternoon. It was restful walking around and seeing families leisurely camped out at picnic tables munching on caramel apples, doughnuts and cider.

With my flight/hotel booked to Palm Springs, CA for the SPSP (Society of Personality and Social Psychology) conference in January (thanks Daddy!), I'm now concentrating on submitting my Psych research on coping to other conference. I just submitted a presentation to the MPA (Midwestern Psychological Association) conference in Chicago in May. Next step is to submit maybe even both of my research to the APA (American Psychological Association) conference in New Orleans in August, and the APS (American Psychological Society) conference in New York City in May. The poster I'm presenting at Palm Springs is about how romantic relationship contingency predicts symptoms of disordered eating, and how this relationship is mediated by feelings of body shame. The poster I'm submitting to the rest of the conferences is a paper I'm currently working on about how situational factors mediate the relationship between individual factors and coping styles. It's fascinating stuff in the area of Applied Social Psychology (which is the field I'm leaning toward for grad school).

Monday, October 24, 2005

Fragmented thoughts

The weather has been consistently cold for a week. It is dark when I wake up and dark when I sit down to eat dinner. I've replaced my wardrobe of tanktops and tees with sweaters and turtlenecks. All of a sudden it's not strange anymore for me to be drinking hot cocoa at work in the afternoons.

I got to hang out with old housemates Sarah and Amanda this weekend and really missed the bond that our whole house (christened "the pirate house") had with each other. We ran into Clint who we met on the Tennessee trip (Kiss My Grits) this summer and I missed our chalet in the Smoky Mountains.

New housemates are fun too, though. Saturday night I had bonding time with Kristen and she, Rob, and I made spinach quiche for our church potluck on Sunday. Later we picked up Sarah and one of Rob's friends and watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith at the dollar movie theater. I'm so glad Ann Arbor has a dollar theater once again.

Back at work now...and they installed a new computer at my desk. I don't know too much by way of computers but I can tell you that this new one looks ugly yet powerful. The keyboard is silver and shiny - very fancy. Gin Blossoms is playing as I'm mourning the fact I'm unable to download AIM or iTunes on my new computer.

The Psych GRE is in just over a month and I'm beginning to feel nervous. I drew up a preliminary list of schools I might look into and I'm at 15. I need to winnow it down to 10. A list of 10 is still long as applications costs anywhere from $60 to $100 so I suppose I better start saving up for it.

I'm actually going to cook when I go home today. I haven't cooked in a week. A beautiful bouquet of roses now sit on my dining room table. Sitting next to the roses is the pile of books I'm currently reading: Why Not Women, Real Sex, Wanting to be Her, The Cross of Christ, Deep Unto Deep. I'm also hoping to start my Tom Clancy book soon.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Reasons why I'm excited:

  • Despite all my complaining, my job rocks
  • I got my hair colored and cut (and I love it!) for next to no $$
  • I'm booking my flight/hotel to Palm Springs, CA for January
  • I filled my punch card for Bubble Island and get free bubble tea
  • Amanda is coming back to town on Saturday and we're having a mini foo reunion!!!! =D
  • Free performance of Beethovan's 9th at Hill on Monday!!
  • The women at IV rock and we're going to the Country Fair next Sunday for a ladies' afternoon out
  • Gap jeans are on sale for $20 and Express jeans are on sale for $30 (mall Saturday, what)
  • Rob let it slip yesterday that he has special plans in the works for our 1 month this weekend. =) I'm so spoiled.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Highlights of the weekend

  • Getting my new guitar
  • Going home
  • My brother's voice is getting lower and lower...
  • ...and he's almost my height!
  • Finishing the 6th book of the Harry Potter series (i'm finally caught up!)
  • Dying my hair on a whim
  • ...although now I'm starting to miss black hair
  • Girl's night: chick flicks and waxing
  • Letters/postcards from old friends
  • Having the apartment to myself for 2 days

Monday, October 10, 2005

Counting my blessings

Psalm 19:7-14 (TNIV)
The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.
The statutes of the Lord are trustworhy, making wise the simple.
The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.
The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.
The ordinances of the Lord are sure, and all of them are righteous.
They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.
By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward.
But who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.
Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

It's strange how sometimes I can get stuck in this rut of dissatisfaction with my life and forget how truly blessed I am!! I don't list my blessings nearly enough but I thought I'd remind myself of how lucky I am!!

Six months ago, I didn't know that I'd be working in Ann Arbor at a wonderful salaried job that actually utilizes my college degree working under brilliant bosses. I'm being promoted to full-time, getting the extra vacation time just in time to be able to spend all of Christmas break with my family.

Six months ago, I didn't think I'd be able to work with one of my Psych professors researching coping and depression. This professor whose expertise is dealing with ethnic differences (with a focus on African Americans) and coping is actually allowing me to do my own thing and researching gender differences. This year is going to be an exciting one with lots of traveling to Psych conferences and (knock on wood) I'm going to start working on my first theoretical paper next semester.

My family is super-supportive of me. It wasn't until I got to college that I realized what a wonderful relationship I have with my parents. I did take too many things for granted throughout high school. =(

My friends are also so great. I always have someone to call, always have someone to hang out with. Lizzy prays for me every morning from Seattle! I have people to stay with from all over the country: Seattle, Chicago, Washington DC, Durham, Santa Monica, Pasadena, L.A., New Brunswick, even Oxford, England! My friends challenge me in my relationship with God, cause me to think deeply about social issues, teach me grace, allow me to practice the fruit of the Spirit, and affirm me even in the midst of my struggles to find who I am.

My church and InterVarsity are training grounds on life. Not only have I learned more what it means to worship God, but these two communities are teaching me what it means to have constant joy despite the instability of life and emotions. I am learning conflict resolution, and gaining confidence that I am unique and have things to offer to others.

Finally, six months ago I wouldn't have foreseen falling for and dating the person who really became my best friend over the past summer. Although he has his moments of extreme nerdiness (causing Heather to whispering to me in jest, "wow Tracy, you sure picked yourself a winner), I'm so blessed to have someone who knew me at my worst and still cares for me, who I can be completely honest, open, and myself with, who I can be quirky and serious with, who complements me in both personality and working style, who I can pray with, laugh with and laugh at. He puts his relationship with God even before his relationship with me and has such a tender heart for serving those around him.

I'm so blessed. =)

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