These two weeks my schedule is more conducive to setting my own work hours, so I have been indulging in yoga classes. My transverse abs are sore like crazy from extended periods of triangles and side angles. I learned yesterday that a great relief from extended side stretches is inhaling up to Vira III, tucking the chin slightly, and lengthening the torso. Instant realignment of the spine! Maybe tomorrow I'll try out the following combo:
parsvakonasa (focus on heart opening)
trikonasana (isometrically rotate legs out as they straighten, tuck tailbone in and open the heart)
ardha chandrasana (shoulder rotation, top arm wraps around and grabs hip of standing leg)
vira III (arms clasped behind back, tuck chin slightly, lengthen torso and find slight backbend)
standing splits (square hips, find extension in back leg, hollow belly and hug standing leg)
bend front knee and pivot forward to navasana
float back and vinyasa
Anyway, after a particularly long day staring at my laptop and revising the meta-analysis review paper that Bill and I got back from the editor, I decided to take a break and do back-to-back yoga classes. First series in Sharon's class was incredibly juicy today. I was glad I did led since she ended up counting us through drop-backs which is a rarity for those who know her. Afterward, I dropped in on Sandra D's flow class. I absolutely love Sandra's classes because she breaks every habit in my body. She also gives the best verbal cues I have ever experienced. In light of my resolution to work on the hamstrings, I chuckled a little when she instructed us to grab 2 blocks and proceeded to warm up the hamstrings. Sure enough, the peak posture was hanumanasana (splits). She also took us into eka pada galavasana (surprise, surprise!) for good measure. My hips and hammies feel like rubber right now.
As she guided us through savasana she had us visualize a fire inside of us, burning away all our impurities. This is the part of yogic philosophy that I don't agree with. I love yoga because it softens my ego, and reveals to me my imperfections and flaws. But I don't believe that by learning to control our energy and thought patterns are we able to burn away these habitual tendencies - both mental and physical - our life. When I picture the impurities in me, I become overwhelmed because no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, THEY WILL NOT GO AWAY. And that's why I need grace.
And so today, lying there in savasana, this verse came to mind: "But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved." (Ephesians 2:4-5). And as I remembered the verse, I was able to let go of the impurities within me. Not by the self-created fire burning within me, but by the blood of Christ!