Thursday, September 03, 2009

Tales from the Recycling Bin

I misplaced my old SIGG waterbottle and finally stopped at Whole Foods to buy a new one today. 1 Liter bottle, baby!! This will keep me hydrated for sure!!

I sorted through and took our recycling to the Ecology Center downtown this morning. As gross of a chore as it is, it's always interesting to learn about our eating habits through this process. For one, we don't really have that much to recycle - I tend to buy more produce and thus don't accumulate a lot of empty cans from canned food. Mandy doesn't contribute much to the pile since she normally eats out. But here are some other things I noticed:

  • I drink a LOT of soda. And I mean a LOT. 80% of our recyclables from the past 6 weeks consist of soda cans.
  • Mandy eats a ton of Lean Cuisines for dinner.
  • I have been making a lot of Mac & Cheese for dinner this month. Probably due to my summer budget...
  • I also eat a ton of yogurt. Honey-flavored Greek yogurt, that is.
  • We don't drink much at home. There wasn't a single beer can or wine bottle in the recycling this month.
  • Mandy and I consume an ungodly amount of HEB's Mango pico de gallo.
Probably not very interesting information to anyone but me but there you go.

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