Got this quote from my beautiful friend Noelle during our weekly Saturday brunch. That's been my motto for the weekend. I decided that I spend too much time doing things that are wasteful and useless, and vow to pour my energy and resources into the things that bless me or bless others. I realize that if I'm to live this out, it's time to make some changes in my life. Changes in how I spend my time, changes even in how often I check Facebook or other online habits I have. And, as the quote above highlights, I need to start making changes in who I choose to invest my time and my heart in.
Now when I say, "do what blesses me," I don't mean "do what makes me happy." I mean what is ultimately good, what will ultimately enrich my life, and what will ultimately glorify God. Those things may not always feel good or be fun, but in the grand scheme of things, they will produce fruit. As I was in conversation with Noelle about choices I had to make even this weekend about who to spend time with, she listened patiently to my ramblings. And she said to me simply, "I think you already know what choice to make. Do what blesses you. Don't make your choices because you feel like you should do something. Because ultimately a choice like that blesses no one."
So true.
On another note, here are some pictures from this past weekend. Normally I HATE Halloween, dressing up, and all that comes with it, but in the spirit of being social, I actually had not one, but TWO costumes this year:
Weekend 2: Austin Bat. Again, not a lot of good pictures, but I'm wearing bat wings. The cane isn't mine - I stole it from a pimp for the picture.

Weekend #1: You can't really see the witch costume well, but this is the only picture I could find where you can actually see me in the costume:

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