It's good to be home. I'm at day 6 of being home with the parents and am actually a little sad to be leaving them this afternoon for Ann Arbor. (But just a little, because I'm heading to North Carolina tomorrow for my annual Kiss My Vacation...) Besides jarring discoveries such as the no longer-existence of Farmer Jack and replacement of old buildings and shops with new ones, home is the same as always.
Home is restful. I've been catching up on movies all week. In college and post college, my dad was always one step behind me in what movies we've seen. Now, our roles are flipped. This week I've watched Shaolin Soccer, Bourne Ultimatum, Ocean's Thirteen, Prince Caspian, August Rush, and the Bucket List. I try to work on research during the day (sometimes successful, sometimes not), practice some gentle yoga at home (still nursing that shoulder), and go on a daily walk with the parents (they are the only people I know who goes on walks at Meijer). Oh and I've been eating warm homecooked food (hope I still fit into my swimsuit!)
It's been good seeing everyone again, too. I hung out with the youth group a few times, went to Marti's wedding shower, and grabbed drinks with Lena. Tonight Marta, Lena, and I are going to relive our girl's nights days before I reunite with the Kiss My Gang.
Good news though! I just found out today that I got hired as a yoga instructor at the yoga studio where I practice!! Apparently as a sub/yoga instructor I get free unlimited classes. No more mopping floors or taking out recycling to pay for my classes!! I may ask to stay permanently on the sub list at 24 hour fitness and concentrate on teaching at UT and at my studio. My hope is to rack up enough teaching hours to work toward my 500 hour teaching certification (after I graduate, of course).
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