My Ann Arbor trip was good. Spent a lot of time with Marta, going on walks, accompanying Ethan to the playground. I love my new friends in Austin, but it was nice hanging out with people who have known me for years and years again.
Can't believe how much Ethan has grown since I last saw him. He's no longer a baby, but a toddler now. Despite my injured shoulder, I couldn't resist picking him up and playing with him. That, along with yoga, may have worsened my condition. It started throbbing Thursday night and I had Marta look at it for me on Friday morning. She told me the alignment seemed off to me and asked me if it was possibly dislocated. I laughed and told her it was impossible. That may have been mistake number one.
Friday afternoon Jon, Jessi, Amanda, and I caravaned in two cars from Ann Arbor toward DC where we'd meet up with 5 more from the gang: Mel, Lily, Sarah, Sarah, and Dan. The first leg of the trip was fairly uneventful minus one of us decided to relieve ourself on the side of the road unknowingly less than 500 yards before a rest area, as well as missing a turn and ending up in Annpolis at 2am.
We took off the next day, 9 of us in 3 different cars and headed toward North Carolina. Traffic was a little crazy, so we decided to take local roads for part of the trip. That took us by Best Buy where we decided to hop out and purchase Wii Rockband for the trip.
During this part of the trip, I became convinced there was something very very wrong with my shoulder and started freaking out a little. Still, we had 7 or so hours before arriving at our destination so as a compromise, the car I was in would at an ER about one hour away from our cabin. This was the last time I've been spotted with full use of both arms:
It turns out my shoulder is NOT dislocated. Rather, I have an AC separation (otherwise known as a shoulder separation). Stage 3 requires surgery. Luckily, I came in at stage either 1 or 2 (I have to schedule a visit with the orthopaedist when I go home). Now for the rest of the week, my arm is in a sling and I'm constantly on either vicodin or tylenol codeine. On my doctor's note, it emphasized that I need to not practice yoga for at least 7 days. Besides my inability to boogey board in the ocean, drum in rock band, or practice yoga, it's nice to be taken care of on this trip. More to come...