Friday, June 02, 2006


I haven't been sleeping terribly well this week and I'm blaming it on the Pistons and Dan Brown.

Monday I watched the game and read Angels and Demons. Tuesday I saw the Da Vinci Code. I've also been having the most vivid nightmares about the most mundane and ridiculous things. Like 2 nights ago, I woke up in a huge sweat because I dreamed that I ruined my pouf somehow and had to go to Target and buy another one for $1.99. Ah, the horror of that!

My Myers Briggs personality is ESTP although I'm starting to suspect that living alone was converting me to an "I" (introvert). Now that the red-headed girl and Jessi moved into my apartment complex, I've been hanging out with them as well as my Polish girls almost everyday. Although it's been awesome, it's taking me a bit to get used to first of all going out every evening, and second of all seeing the same people everyday. I said to Ian yesterday "Man, I just am not used to seeing the same person more than 2 days in a row. Do you think they're going to get tired of me?" To which he scoffed and reminded me that I used to hang out with the same people everyday 7 days a week while I was in college. I find myself craving time to process alone (the new "I" side of me), but then the "E" side of me trumps that and I go out anyway. It shouldn't take me too long to adjust.

One thing I've been sad about is not having time everyday to do my Chinese lessons at home. I've been listening to Rainie Yang's (Yang Cheng Ling) album Ai Mei nonstop though. I don't know why, but her song Li Xiang Qing Ren makes me really really happy.

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