I had a rule when I lived in Michigan that until I'm burned once, I don't put sunscreen on. I actually went through a few summers without sunscreen. No more, no more. Skin cancer warnings aside, I found this past weekend that the sun is just a tad bit different below the Mason-Dixon line.
After rueing my pasty white complexion for the last few weeks, I decided to remedy that this weekend by reading at Barton Springs. I planned on applying sunscreen while I was there, but the weather kept vacillating between windy/chilly and hot/sunny. So...I forwent the sunscreen. But I paid a good $3 to get into Barton Springs, and I also had company, so by golly I stayed a good 4 1/2 hours outside. By the time I headed home my legs were a bit pink.
That night, my legs and shoulders turned lobster red. It hurt to walk, stand, and even sit. I limped my way to HEB and bought some aloe vera gel, but that did little ease the pain. I was bed-ridden all day on Sunday. It hurt to shower, it hurt to wear pants, heck it even hurt to wear shorts because that way my legs were completely exposed.
So now I'm back at school figuring out what best to do with my legs as I'm sitting at my desk. Gotta muscle through these last 3 weeks of school...