Monday, February 18, 2008

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Identity Replacement

This past weekend I had the privilege of having coffee with a new friend and sister in Christ. It was one of those conversations that allowed me to see the past two years through the lens of how God has moved in my life and what He's been working in me. I had mentioned in a previous post that perhaps all the struggles I faced, all the good and the bad, was a shattering of identities that were slowly turning into idols: a pianist, a musician, a worship leader, a "good Christian," a runner, a leader, even a good academic. What I'm finding, though, is that it is not enough to simply strip these identities. What is needed is to replace those with a new identity: beloved and valued by God.
As I was practicing yoga today, I realized that what hindered my progression and growth on the mat was a labeling of my abilities - trying to "place" myself in terms of how advanced or not I was rather than focusing on the practice itself. Maybe this is a metaphor of how I've been living my life: I keep trying to place a label on who I am at the moment and how I am progressing rather than focusing on BOLDLY walking forward in humility toward the goal knowing simply that I can. And what is the goal? I'm still trying to relearn that. Right now, what God is placing on my heart is to discover the "joy of my salvation" (from Psalm 51).
This month, my mantra is to practice satya, or truthfulness, in all I do and say. To me, that means to know my limits, to not try to do or be more than I am. On the flip side, it is to not try to do or be less than I am. Additionally, it is to speak truth no matter what, especially where there isn't.
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