It's getting to be a problem. It really is. I shared this with my community group tonight during prayer requests and it led to major breakthroughs and feelings of relief among the women. So much so that one of the guys felt led to pray over the women. Haha, I love my community group.
Happy New Year! Back in Austin trying to get my head back together after a 3 week vacation from school... luckily I caught a few items with a deadline of Jan. 4 while going through school emails before it was too late!!
I think New Years might be my favorite holiday since it really symbolizes new beginnings. I've learned, however, that change and new beginnings don't happen overnight. Still, it's exciting to have a day that marks a looking forward to changes in my life.
A few weeks ago, some friends and I gathered at the Heidelberg in downtown Ann Arbor and wrote our New Year resolutions. Here are a few of mine: