Sunday, January 23, 2011

Takin' care of business!

Today, I changed a cabin filter all by my lonesome. For those of you car-literate, this may not seem like a big deal, but for me, it was humongous accomplishment.

I've been meaning to change the cabin filter for awhile, but my carshop quoted me $49.99 for the filter and $29.21 for the labor. Not to mention the fuel system service and radiator flush/fill I still need to schedule. To save money, I figured I should be intelligent to change something as simple as a cabin filter myself!

I ordered a filter online for about $20. I found the filter behind the glove box and simply switched the two filters myself:
 Check out how dirty the old filter (left) is compared to the new (right)!
 Cash saved = $59.21!

 Next month's project: The Radiator Flush and Fill.

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